Some might say this collection of my writing is an excercise in vanity. I can understand that point of view, but truthfully it's more for my own organizational benefit. I did a Google search on my own name recently (you should try it sometime) and realized just how scattered across the net I am. I came across things that I had forgotten that I'd written, and some things I never knew were even online. So just for my own sake, so these things won't be lost forever or forgotten, I've decided to assemble them here on my website, for my own easy reference. It's my online clip file.

If you find it interesting, you're more than welcome to read it too. reviews

Nashville Scene letter to the Editor RE: gun control

Nashville Scene letter to the Editor RE: Libertarian politics survey on hosteling

Nashville City Paper letter to the Editor RE: Health Care cartoon

Nashville City Paper letter to the Editor RE: Howard Switzer's hyperbole

Nashville City Paper letter to the Editor RE: Demonbreun St. Roundabout

Nashville City Paper letter to the Editor RE: Knee jerk legislation

Nashville City Paper letter to the Editor RE: Dixie Chicks

Nashville City Paper letter to the Editor RE: Sen. David Fowler's "racist" comments

Nashville City Paper letter to the Editor RE: Riverfront construction

Nashville City Paper letter to the Editor RE: Governs least governs best

Nashville City Paper letter to the Editor RE: Environmental respect

Nashville City Paper letter to the Editor RE: PETA letter writing campaign

Nashville City Paper letter to the Editor RE: Belmont basketball players article - The FDA is Killing US article - A Little Common Sense (war on drugs) article - An Open Letter to the Members of Congress (overspending)

Photos I took for Lisa Lynch's "Guantanamobile Project"

Mentioned on other's sites

Attendance at Expat Harem book signing

Tim Leffel's "World's Cheapest Destinations"

Roy Lloyd Jones' Round the World site

Some website about my role in producing The Caldwells' album Posture

Libertarian Party of TN use of my TN income tax protest photos

Photos and interview by the Sierra Times about the TN income tax protest of 2002

Bill Hobbs' blog on the TN income tax protests of 2002

Corporate Challenge 2001 race results - 3 mile open